Wednesday, September 14, 2016


1.) Which building typology are you researching?

A.) I am researching a dormitory building typology with student art galleries.

2.) Why are you researching this building typology?

A.) I am researching a dormitory building typology, because I propose that a dormitory will bring more energy to Brooklyn near our school New York City College of Technology. The reason I believe this is because our campus is the largest surrounding the site at Tillary Park on 287 Cadman Plaza West. Students of City Tech do not have a dormitory on campus. What will City Tech be like with a dormitory? I believe if students have a dormitory on campus near by, students are able to focus their studies a bit more. Students will have the ability to experience little commute to school, nearby park space, cafes, restaurants, and life on college campus! Therefore I am researching a dormitory as a building typology.

3.) What is the specialty of the building typology that I would like to research?

A.) The specialty of the building typology that I would like to research is art galleries. I propose that it would be a great idea to have art galleries throughout the dormitory. The reason behind having art galleries in my dormitory is to serve as a form of inspiration for the student residents. Students will feel consistently inspired by the artwork that has been presented throughout the dormitory. This achieves higher education ethics. Students will be more effectively focused on their school work. Therefore I would like to propose art galleries as the specialty within the dormitory.

4.) 10 Examples:


5.) What is your goals for working with this building type?

A.) My goals for working with this building type are to: bring energy toward City Tech, accommodate nearby college students' residence, and inspire the students' schoolwork.

6.) What are the program elements at this point in your building?

A.) The program elements at this point in my building are: lobby, dorms, art galleries, cafe, bathrooms (public/ private), lounge areas, student hall, offices.

1 comment:

  1. You may want to set some examples in your responses, or proposals for the why and which (Q1-3) to substantiate the whats...starting to define you ideas into words is the first step to carving them out of the minds ether (and into the non-proverbial stone?). These are to help you define your idea...subject to conceptual process...but the clearer the program or problem is defined, the simpler the solution (even if not always easy).
