Sunday, September 18, 2016


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While I am going to design a Dormitory with art galleries throughout, I have taken the time to study three dormitories. The first dormitory is the Tietgen Dormitory. The second dormitory is Simmons Hall. Lastly I have studied the classical Baker House dormitory. All in all, these studies will inspire and help me to design a dormitory with art galleries throughout.


  1. Demetri. I think you are off to a good start. I like the models you are borrowing from, Alto, Holl, etc. Also, your presentation reads well.

    A couple of observations, if I may. 1. Your building schematic shows a circular plan concept around a central green space, but your Site massing model portrays a very different building mass. I'm not sure how the two relate. 2. If you are truely going with the circular model you are going to have a hard time being unique in relation to Tiegen Dormitory. That is a huge concern of mine. 3. There is a disproportional amount of common space as compared to private spaces. 4. More key notes on your graphics. Make it easy for us to understand you. Looking forward to hearing from you next time. KL

  2. quick comments:
    torus study: daylighting would also be picked up in the central core (reduced vertical exposure as core -internal, but extended horizontal exposure due to reflection from convex surfaces...
    orthogonal study: consider that symetry is not always in plan (hint look at 3-D image)
    curvilinear study: hierarchy would be quite different from approach side...

    sorry, a bit cryptic...trying to catch up with some feedback on all work, even if past due.
